February is Love the Bus Month! This month, we will take time to appreciate our student transportation vehicles—school buses of all sizes and colors. We send our appreciation to the many hardworking school bus drivers and aides who spend their time making sure our students get to school and back safely. Lastly, we want to recognize those who work in student transportation offices behind the scenes, ensuring each day runs smoothly.
We have deemed Wednesday, February 12, 2025, as Wear Yellow Day to celebrate.

A partir de enero de 2022, todas las escuelas están obligadas por ley a notificar a los padres cuando realizamos un simulacro de seguridad escolar. Hoy llevamos a cabo con éxito nuestro simulacro mensual de seguridad escolar y luego reanudamos nuestro horario escolar regular. Comuníquese con Steve Hindman, director @ shindman@pv-eagles.org o al 856 540-6200 x 7725 si tiene alguna pregunta. Gracias.

Effective January 2022, all schools are legally required to notify parents when we conduct a school security drill. Today, we successfully held our monthly school security drill and then resumed our regular school schedule. Please reach out to Steve Hindman, principal @ shindman@pv-eagles.org or 856 540-6200 x 7725 if you have any questions. Thank you.

Choir is cancelled today. All students will be dismissed at the normal time 2:50 pm.
El coro está cancelado hoy. Todos los estudiantes saldrán a la hora normal 2:50 pm

Los estudiantes del autobús 29 llegarán tarde a casa hoy, el autobús se averió. Los estudiantes de Central Park en ese autobús todavía están aquí en la escuela.

The students are bus 29 will be getting home late today, the bus broke down. The Central Park students on that bus are still here at school.

A partir de enero de 2022, todas las escuelas están obligadas por ley a notificar a los padres cuando realizamos un simulacro de seguridad escolar. Hoy llevamos a cabo con éxito nuestro simulacro mensual de seguridad escolar y luego reanudamos nuestro horario escolar regular. Comuníquese con Steve Hindman, director @ shindman@pv-eagles.org o al 856 540-6200 x 7725 si tiene alguna pregunta. Gracias.

Effective January 2022, all schools are legally required to notify parents when we conduct a school security drill. Today, we successfully held our monthly school security drill and then resumed our regular school schedule. Please reach out to Steve Hindman, principal @ shindman@pv-eagles.org or 856 540-6200 x 7725 if you have any questions. Thank you.

The Great Kindness Challenge 2025
The Renaissance Club’s Annual Great Kindness Challenge will take place from January 27th to January 31st. The Pennsville School District will be coming together to support the Ronald McDonald House of Delaware during January and February. Each school in the district will be assigned different items to collect from the Ronald McDonald House wish list.
Valley Park - Fruit Snacks or Jell-O/Pudding Cups
Central Park – Pretzels/Goldfish (individually packaged)
Penn Beach - Mac & Cheese Cups/Cookies
Pennsville Middle School - Granola Bars/Applesauce
PMHS - Pop Tarts/Oatmeal Cups
**Please make sure items are not expired and have a shelf life past February 2025**
All items will be collected throughout January and February in the main lobby of each school, and donated to the Ronald McDonald House of Delaware.

Central Park Elementary School Winter Choir Concert Tonight at 6:00 pm

Central Park Make Up Picture Day is Monday December 9th.

Ladies and Gentlemen,
Central Park received this message from our photography vendor. Please feel free to use the codes. Remember Make-Pictures are December 9th.
As a token of appreciation, Lifetouch is offering discounts on school photography!
50% off a purchase of $50+ with code USNOV50
40% off a purchase of $40+ with code USNOV40
30% off a purchase of $30+ with code USNOV30
Valid through 12/1/24
To order, log in to your account on mylifetouch.com or create an online account. Don't forget to order your FREE Digital SmileSafe card!
More about the Smilesafe program here.
Thank you!

Central Park Elementary School Make Up Picture Day is December 9th.

Please see the flyer in your email regarding Thanksgiving Spirit Week Sponsored by PMHS Renaissance Club 11/18 - 11/22 11/18 Monday Cranberry Sauce Wear Red or Maroon 11/19 Tuesday Pumpkin Pie/Dessert Day Wear Orange 11/20 Wednesday Mac and Cheese Wear Yellow 11/21 Thursday Green Beans/Corn Wear Green 11/22 Friday Stuffing Day Wear Fall Festive Gear

A partir de enero de 2022, todas las escuelas están obligadas por ley a notificar a los padres cuando realizamos un simulacro de seguridad escolar. Hoy llevamos a cabo con éxito nuestro simulacro mensual de seguridad escolar y luego reanudamos nuestro horario escolar regular. Comuníquese con Steve Hindman, director @ shindman@pv-eagles.org o al 856 540-6200 x 7725 si tiene alguna pregunta. Gracias.

Effective January 2022, all schools are legally required to notify parents when we conduct a school security drill. Today, we successfully held our monthly school security drill and then resumed our regular school schedule. Please reach out to Steve Hindman, principal @ shindman@pv-eagles.org or 856 540-6200 x 7725 if you have any questions. Thank you.

Please see the flyer in your email regarding Thanksgiving Spirit Week Sponsored by PMHS Renaissance Club 11/18 - 11/22
11/18 Monday Cranberry Sauce Wear Red or Maroon
11/19 Tuesday Pumpkin Pie/Dessert Day Wear Orange
11/20 Wednesday Mac and Cheese Wear Yellow
11/21 Thursday Green Beans/Corn Wear Green
11/22 Friday Stuffing Day Wear Fall Festive Gear

This is a message from the Pennville Educational Foundation.
Hello Parents,
Attached is the Homeroom Parent/Helper Interest form. Please respond by 10/30/24

Ladies and Gentlemen,
Please see the attached flyer from the Pennsville Recreation Department.

Effective January 2022, all schools are legally required to notify parents when we conduct a school security drill. Today, we successfully held our monthly school security drill and then resumed our regular school schedule. Please reach out to Steve Hindman, principal @ shindman@pv-eagles.org or 856 540-6200 x 7725 if you have any questions. Thank you.